JCC Facility Use
Community Use of School Facilities
Regulations and Charges
The School Board of Jackson County Central Public School District 2895 recognizes that school facilities belong to all of us. Encompassing a wide range of buildings and facilities, our schools are one of the community’s greatest assets. Allowing groups and organizations to utilize school buildings/facilities is an important part of using our schools to the fullest extent.
The community education coordinator in cooperation with the business manager, and athletic director coordinates rental use of Jackson County Central School District #2895 buildings and other facilities.
- Obtain a facility use application from the www.jccschools.com website or the community education office at the high school or call 847-6627.
- Return the application to the Community Education Office (located across from the new high school gym) or fax it to the school at 507-847-3078 at least seven (7) days prior to desired use.
- The school district reserves the right to require proof of liability insurance coverage prior to rental of any facility.
- Rental fee shall be set at the time of application. Cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance of the scheduled rental or the rental party will be liable for the rental fee.
- The school district reserves the right to cancel any reservation should the need arise. Cancellations would result if an emergency condition is declared. Examples include installation of state energy conservation regulations, closure of a school by the School Board, or immediate need for a public hearing of some kind. The Community Education Department will attempt to find other appropriate facilities, in another building if your reservation was cancelled due to an “emergency situation.”
Organizations desiring building/facility use are classified into four categories. Rental fees and rental priorities are determined according to each group’s classification.
CLASS I & II (Top Priority)
School and Community Education related and sponsored activities, extra-curricular activities, groups, and organizations.
CLASS III (Second Priority) (Non-Profit)
Extra recreation programs; open meetings of tax-supported agencies; nonreligious and non-denominational school district non-profit youth group meetings; and charitable group meetings.
Organized, non-profit community services, citizens, and civic-groups; Political party meetings and conventions; Special interest groups; Religious/Church organizations, including youth groups.

- Microphone $10
- Projector $10
- Computers $10/hr
- VCR $10
Please call the pool directly for renting the facility 847-5030.
The High School Softball and Baseball Fields, Football and Track areas are available for use by the public at no cost if the activity is of limited organization.
Groups and organizations wishing to use any of these facilities for an athletic contest or tournament, or for a special event, will need to complete an Application for Use of School Facilities Permit and return it to the Community Education Office for approval. Fees for such use will be determined by the administration and the Board of Education.
- Custodial (as needed): If building is rented after scheduled working hours, the fee will include current overtime custodial cost at a rate of $45 per hour on Monday through Saturday, and $60 per hour on Sunday. (Rates as of 7/1/18)
- Kitchen (as needed): to be charged according to present normal overtime rate $10-$20 per hour. Cooks should be provided a meal at no charge if it is provided by the rental party.
- Fee for personnel to run the lights or work as a stage crew at the Auditorium will be $15/hr. per person.
Certain rules and regulations are necessary in order to properly protect property owned by our school district. Mutual consideration and cooperation is necessary to properly administer various policies of usage.
- Regular school activities and organizations of the school shall have first priority in the use of any school facility.
- All groups or individuals wishing to use school facilities will be required to make application for such use, and upon approval, sign a contract which shall include a hold harmless agreement.
- Supervisory Responsibility
--All activities must have competent adult supervision.
--Custodians will supervise the facility, but not the rental group or its activities.
--Facility users must supply any special supervision required (i.e. police protection, parking supervision, etc.)
--Children in attendance as spectators at events are to be properly supervised by members of the user group. - Any equipment brought into the building must have prior administrative approval and must be removed promptly following the activity.
- School equipment (i.e. recreational/athletic equipment, audio-visual equipment, and extra chairs) may be used if proper arrangements are made. EQUIPMENT MUST BE APPLIED FOR AT THE SAME TIME BUILDING USE APPLICATION IS PLACED.
- Building use permits may be cancelled by either party if there is sufficient reason. (See “To Rent” #4 and 5)
- The renter is liable for personal injury or property damage. (See “To Rent” #4 and 5) All groups must clean up after themselves, returning the room to original order or pay for custodial costs to do these tasks. Destroyed property or equipment must be replaced or repaired by the renter.
- All local/state ordinances and laws pertaining to use of public buildings must be observed.
--Gambling, use or possession of alcohol and other controlled substances on school grounds is prohibited.
--Smoking and use of tobacco products in school buildings or on school grounds is prohibited. - The use of school facilities must be in the public interest. Activities detrimental to the purpose of the school district or for direct private gain will not be allowed the use of school facilities.
- Permit holders may not assign, transfer, sublet or charge a fee for the use of a facility.
- Churches desiring the use of school facilities for worship services are covered by Minnesota Statute Section 123B.51. School use for a worship service requires approval by the Board of Education.
- Groups wishing to use the High School Pool must apply with the pool manager 847-5030. Rules and regulations of pool use are available.
- The school building facilities are not available to groups requesting use for wedding receptions, wedding dances, wedding anniversaries, etc.
- Decorations must be fireproof. Putting materials of any kind on floors, walls, or parts of the building require permissions from the building principal.
Jackson County Central School District Buildings
Senior High School
1128 North Hwy
Jackson 847-5310
District Office 847-3608
Middle School
703 Mill Road E
Lakefield 662-6625
Riverside Elementary
820 Park Street
Jackson 847-5963
Pleasantview Elementary
703 Mill Road E
Lakefield 662-6625
Community Education Office
1128 North Hwy
Jackson 847-6627
820 Park Street
Jackson 847-5868