JCC Policies
- 201 - Legal Status of the School Board
- 202 - School Board Officers
- 203 - Operation of the School Board
- 203.1 - School Board Procedures
- 203.2 -Order of the Regular School Board Meeting
- 203.5 - School Board Meeting Agenda
- 203.6 Consent Agenda
- 204 - School Board Meeting Minutes
- 205 - Open Meeting and Closed Meetings
- 206 - Public Participation
- 207 - Public Hearings Revisions
- 208-Development, Adoption, and Implementation of Policies
- 209 - Code of Ethics
- 210 - Conflict of Interest - School Board Members
- 211 - Criminal or Civil Action Against School District ect.
- 212 - School Board Member Development
- 213 - School Board Committees
- 214 - Out of State Travel by School Board Members
- 401 - Equal Employment Opportunity
- 402 - Disability Nondiscription Policy
- 403 - Discipline, Suspension, and Dismissal of School District Employees
- 405 - Veteran's Preference
- 406 - Public and Private Personnel Data
- 407- Employee Right To Know
- 408- Subpoena of a School District Employee
- 409-Employee Publications, Instructional Materials, Interventions, and Creations
- 410-Family and Medical Leave Policy
- 412-Expense Rembursement
- 413-Harassment and Violence
- 414 - Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect or Physical or Sexual Abuse
- 415 - Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults
- 416-Drugs and Alcohol Testing
- 417 - Chemical Use and Abuse
- 419 - Tobacco Free Environment
- 418 - Drug-Free Workplace-Drug Free School
- 420-Students and Employees with Sexually Transmitted Infections
- 421- Gifts to Employees and School Board Members
- 422-Policies Incorporated by Reference
- 423 - Employee Student Relations
- 424 - License Status
- 425 - Staff Development and Mentoring
- 426-Employee Use of Social Media
- 427 Workload Limits for Certain Special Education Teachers
- 491 MSBA-Vaccination-or-Testing-Masking-Policy
- 501-School Weapons Policy
- 502-Search of Student Possessions_Person
- 503 - Student Attendance
- 504 -Student Dress and Appearance
- 505 - Distribution of Nonschool Sponsored Materials
- 506 -Student Discipline
- 506 - Student Discipline Form
- Policy 506 - JCC Discipline Complaint Procedure
- Policy 506 - JCC Discipline Complaint Form
- 507-Corporal Punishment and Prone Restraint
- 507.5 School Resource Officers
- 508-Extended School Year For Certain Students With Individualized Education Programs
- 509 - Enrollment of Nonresident Students
- 510 - School Activities
- 511 - Student Fundraising
- 512-School Sponsored Student Publications and Activites
- 513 - Student Promotion, Retention, and Program Design
- 514 - Bullying Prohibition Policy
- 515 - Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records
- 515 - Form
- 516 - Student Medication
- 516.5 - Overdose Medication
- 517-Student Recruiting
- 518-Updated Version
- 519 - Interviews by Students by Outside Agencies
- 520-Student Surveys
- 520-Student Surveys Form
- 521 - Student Disability Nondiscrimination
- 523-Policies Incorporated by Reference
- 522 - Title IX Sex Discrimination Policy, Grievance and Procedure & Process
- 524-Internet Acceptable Use and Safety
- 524F - Form
- 525-Violence Prevention (Students & Staff)
- 526 - Hazing Prohibition.pdf
- 527-Parking of Motor Vehicles Form
- 527-Student Use & Parking of Motor Vehicles
- 528-Student Parental, family & Marital Status Nondiscrimination
- 529 Staff Notification of Violent Behavior By Students
- 530-Immunization Requirements
- 531 - The Pledge of Allegiance.
- 532 - Use of Peace Officers and Crisis Teams to Remove Students with IEP's from School Grounds
- 532.1-Resrictive Procedures
- 533-Wellness
- 534 - School Meals Policy
- 535-Service Animals in Schools
- 601 - School District Curriculum and Instruction Goals
- 602 - Organization of School Calendar and School Day.pdf
- 603 - Curriculum Development
- 604 - Instructional Curriculum
- 605 - Alternative Educational Services.
- 606 - Textbooks and Instructional Materials
- 607-Organization of Grade Levels.docx
- 608 - Instructional Services - Special Education
- 608.1 - Special Education Services - Caseloads
- 609 - Religion
- 610 - Field Trips
- 611 - Home Schooling
- 612.1 Development of Parental Involvement Policies for Title I Programs
- 613 - Graduation Requirements
- 614 - School District Testing Plan and Procedure
- 615-Testing Accommodations, Modifications, and Exemptions for IEPS, Section 504 Plans, and LEP Students
- 616-School District System Accountability
- 618 - Assessment of Student Achievement
- 619 - Staff Development For Standards
- 620 - Credit For Learning
- 621 Literacy and the Read Act
- 624 Online Instruction
- 701 - Establishment and Adoption of School District Budget
- 701.1 Modification of School District Budget
- 702-Accounting
- 703 - Annual Audit
- 704 -Development and Maintenance Of an Inventory of Fixed Assets And A Fixed Asset Accounting System.rtf
- 705 - Investments
- 706-Acceptance of Gifts
- 707 - Transportation of Public School Students.pdf
- 708 - Transportation of Nonpublic School Students
- 709-Student Transportation Safety Policy - JCC updated version (1).pdf
- 710 - Extracurricular Transportation
- 711 - Updated Video Recording on School Buses
- 712-Video Surveillance Other than on Buses
- 714-Fund Balances
- 720-Vending Machines
- 721-Uniform Grant Guidance
- 722 - Public Data Requests And Data Subject Requests
- 723 - Electronic funds transfer
- 102-Equal Educational Opportunity
- 102 - Equal Educational Opportunity
- 102 - Equal Educational Opportunity
- 102-Equal Educational Opportunity
- 102-Equal Educational Opportunity
- 103 Complaints - Students, Employees, Parents
- 104 - School District Vision and Mission Statement
- 104 School District Vision and Mission Statement
- 201-Legal Status of the School Board
- 202-School Board Officers
- 203-Operation of the School Board
- 203.1-School Board Procedures;Rules of Order
- 203.2-Order of the Regular School Board Meeting
- 204 - School Board Meeting Minutes
- 204-School Board Meeting Minutes
- 203.5-School Board Meeting Agenda
- 205-Open Meetings & Closed Meetings
- 203.6-Consent Agendas
- 206 - Public Participation Policy
- 206-Public Participation in School Board Meetings
- 207 - Public Hearings
- 207-Public Hearings
- 206-Public Participation in School Board Meetings
- 208-Development,Adoption,and Implementation of Pol
- 208-Development, Adoption, & Implementation of Policies
- 209-Code of Ethics
- 210-Conflict of Interest-School Board Members
- 213 - School Board Committees
- 213-School Board Committees
- 214-Out-of-State Travel by School Board Members
- 211-Criminal or Civil Action Against School Dist
- 212-School Board Member Development
- 301-School District Administration
- 302-Superintendent
- 303-Superintendent Selection
- 304-Superintendent Contract, Duties, and Eval
- 305-Policy Implementation
- 306-Administrator Code of Ethics
- 401-Equal Employment Opportunity
- 405-Veteran_s Preference; Hiring
- 406-Public & Private Personnel Data
- 408-Subpoena of a School District Employee
- 401-Equal Employment Opportunit
- 402-Disability Nondiscrimination
- 402-Disability Nondiscrimination
- 403-Discipline_Suspension_Dismissal of Employee
- 404-Employment Background Checks
- 407-Employee Right to Know-Exposure to Haz. Subst.
- 409-Employee Publications_Materials_Creations
- 410-Family and Medical Leave Policy
- 410 - Family and Medical Leave.pdf
- 410-Family & Medical Leave
- 410-Family and Medical Leave
- 410-Family and Medical Leave Policy
- 412-Expense Reimbursement
- 413-Harassment and Violence
- 413-Harassment and Violence
- 413-Harassment and Violence and Form.pdf
- 413-Harassment and Violence
- 414-Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect_Abuse
- 415 - Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults
- 415-Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of Adults
- 416-Drug & Alcohol Testing
- 417-Chemical Use and Abuse
- 418 - Drug Free Workplace Drug Free School
- 418-Drug-Free Workplace_Drug-Free School-Acknowled
- 418 - Drug Free Workplace Drug Free School.pdf
- 419 - Tobacco Free Environment
- 419-Tobacco-Free Environment
- 419 - Tobacco Free Environment
- 419 Tobacco - Free Environment; Possession and Use of Tobacco, Tobacco-Related Devices, and Electronic Delivery Devices; Vaping Awareness and Prevention Instrucion
- 420-Students & Employees with Aids & Communicable Diseases
- 420-Students_Employees with Communicable Diseases
- 425-Staff Development
- 426-Employee Use of Social Media
- 427-Workload Limits for Certain Spec. Ed. Teachers
- 421-Gifts to Employees & School Board Members
- 422-Policies Incoporated by Reference
- 423-Employee-Student Relationships
- 424-License Status
- 501-School Weapons Policy
- 503-Student Attendance
- 504 -Student Dress and Appearance
- 504-Student Dress & Appearance
- 505-Distribution of Non-School Sponsored Materials
- 506 -Student Discipline
- 506 -Student Discipline
- 506 -Student Discipline
- 506-Student Discipline & Notice
- 506-Student Discipline & Notice of Suspension
- 507-Corporal Punishment and Prone Restraint
- 507-Corporal Punishment
- 514 - Bullying Prohibition Policy
- 509-Enrollment of Nonresident Student
- 515-Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records
- 516-Student Medication
- 516 - Student Medication
- 516.5 Overdose Medication
- 517-Student Recruiting
- 518-DNR-DNI Orders
- 519-Interviews of Students by Outside Agencies
- 513 - Student Promotion, Retention, and Program Design
- 514 - Bullying Prohibition Policy and Form.pdf
- 507-Coporal Punishment
- 508-Extended School year for Certain Students with IEP
- 509-Enrollment of Nonresident Students
- 510-School Activities
- 511-Student Fundraising
- 513-Student Promotion, Retention & Program Design
- 512-School Sponsored Student Publications
- 516 Student Medication
- 521-Student Disability Nondiscrimination & Form
- Policy 522 Title-IX-2020 - Edited for JCC (Final).pdf
- 522 Title-IX-2022 - Edited for JCC
- 522-Student Sex Nondiscrimination (Title IX)
- 524-IInternet Acceptable Use and Safety.pdf
- 524- Internet Acceptable Use and Safety
- 524-Internet Acceptable Use and Safety
- 524-Internet Acceptable Use & Safety Policy
- 526-Hazing Prohibition
- 531-The Pledge of Allegiance
- 532 - Use of Peace Officers and Crisis Teams to Remove Students with IEPs from School Grounds
- 532-Use of Peace Officers to Remove Students w_IEP
- 533-Wellness
- 533-Wellness Policy.pdf
- 534 - Unpaid Meal Charges
- 534-Unpaid Meal Charges
- 535 - Service Animals in Schools and Form.pdf
- 514 Bullying Prohibition Policy
- 601 School District Curriculum and Instruction Goals
- 601-School District Curriculum-Instruction Goals
- 602 - Organization of School Calendar and School Day
- 602-Organization of school Calendar and School Day
- 603 - Currriculum Development
- 603-Curriculum Development
- 604 - Instructional Curriculum
- 604-Instructional Curriculum
- 605-Alternative Programs
- 606-Textbooks and Instructional Materials
- 607 Organization of Grade Levels
- 608.1-Special Education Services-Caseloads
- 609-Religion
- 610-Field Trips
- 611-Home Schooling
- 613-Graduation Requirements
- 614-School District Testing Plan and Procedure
- 615-Testing Accommodations, Modifications, & Exemptions for IEPs, Section 504, & LEP students
- 618-Assessment of Student Achievement
- 619-Staff Development for Standards
- 620 - Credit For Learning
- 620-Credit for Learning
- 701-Establishment and Adoption of School District Budget
- 701-1-Modification of School District Budget
- 702-Accounting
- 703-Annual Audit
- 704-Development and Maintenance of Inventory and Fixed Assests
- 705-Investments
- 706-Acceptance of Gifts
- 707-Transportation of Public School Students
- 707-Transportation of Public School Students
- 708-Transportation of Nonpublic School Students
- 709-Student Transportation Safety Policy
- 710-Extracurricular Transportation
- 711-Video Recording on School Buses
- 714-Fund Balances
- 722 Public Data Requests
- 802-Disposition of Obsolete Equipment and Material
- 805-Waste Reduction and Recycling
- 806-Crisis Management Policy
- 806 - Crisis Management Policy.pdf
- 806 - Crisis Management Policy (2).pdf
- 806-Crisis Management Policy
- 608-Instructional Services-Special Education
- 902-Use of School District Facilities&Equipment
- 417-Chemical Use & Abuse
- 903-Visitors to School District Building and Sites
Pursuant to policy 506, the school district shall advise the student’s parent or
guardian that free or low-cost legal assistance may be available and that a
legal assistance resource list is available from the Minnesota Department
of Education (MDE). The options are available at this site.