Our Purpose:
-Build an endowment fund to meet emerging and future educational needs of our communities.
-Maintain a project fund to address immediate educational enrichment needs.
-Provide vision to ensure these funds improve the educational opportunities in our communities.
-Give Donors an opportunity to achieve their charitable objectives. These benefits could be a reduction in taxes or a lifelong stream of income.
How to Donate
Donate by Mail:
If you would like to donate in the form of a check or money order, please make it payable to "JCC Education Foundation" and indicate which fund your donation should be applied to: Endowment, Project, or Operating fund. (see descriptions below).
Mail your donation to:
JCC Education Foundation
1128 North Highway
PO Box 119
Jackson, MN 56143
Donate Online:
This option is facilitated by the Southwest Initiative Foundation (SWIF). You can support the Jackson County Central Education Foundation through a secure online giving center.
Endowment fund: This fund is a growth fund that will be for generations to come. Only the interest is used if needed.
Project fund: This fund can be utilized now to support many designated projects and scholarships.
Operating fund: This fund will be used for organizational expenses.
In addition, the SWIF is a public charity and 501(c)3 organization, so gifts are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
If you would like to donate online, please follow the instructions below.
-Determine which account you wish to donate to.
-Click the appropriate button below to proceed to the online donation page.
-Fill out the information and press submit.
JCC Ed Foundation Endowment Fund (Long Term)
JCC Ed Foundation Project Fund (Short Term)
How to Contact Us:
JCC Education Foundation
1128 North Highway
PO Box 119
Jackson MN 56143
Phone: (507) 847-3608
Meet the Board of Directors:
David Voehl, Chair
Vice-Chair, Matt Thurmer
Kelly Benson, Treasurer
Cory Pauling, Secretary
Dr. Mark Titus
Chris Scholten
Ashley Schmidt
Kristin Stoltenberg
Jordana Runck
Ben Appel
Troy Schultz
Barry Schmidt, Superintendent (ex officio)